Thursday, August 7, 2014

Strong Mind and determination

Every smoker at some point of life decides to quit smoking after he/she is told about the disadvantages and consequences of smoking, but not all are strong enough to be able to quit. Yes, smoking is an addiction and not all addiction is easy to quit. Those who are strong experience the withdrawal symptoms and some even relapse even after a term in the rehabilitation centre. Smoking is very injurious to health and with quitting it being so difficult, people leave it to the almighty. But, now there is a way with which smokers can try to quit the butt. Here are some tips that would help in answering your question about how to quit smoking

Strong Mind and determination:
Yes, strong mind and determination is what you require the most to quit. You cannot quit without it. There will certainly be the urge to start smoking again, but you have to be serious and take a stand for your health. Rehabilitation centres include yoga and meditation in their regime to make the mind stronger to fight against the withdrawal symptoms. 
Family Support:
Family support is also important. Family of smokers always ask about how to quit smoking, but the psychologists always say that smokers need the support of their family. Yes, the family needs to be supportive and that’s when dealing with the withdrawal symptoms gets easier. Family members have to be patient and give the smoker love and support. 
E cigarettes: 
If you have tried everything and are not able to quit, then here is your chance to quit. E cigarette or electronic cigarette as it is lovingly called is a method which has helped many smokers quit. Electronic cigarettes are lot safer than the traditional cigarettes and this lowers the content of nicotine in the blood over a period of time. With e cigarettes many have quit and you can also be one of them.  
Do not ask the same question about how to quit smoking. Try these methods and you’ll be free and healthy. Smoking is injurious to health, so please help you with this advice before it is too late. 

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